Today in colleges around the world, there are many different sports. However, which sport is the hardest? Incoming college students will want to know, whether it’s to brag to their friends that they’re playing the hardest sport, whether or not they’re ready for the commitment, etc. Looking at the facts will show that football is the hardest college sport.
Starting with the injury rate, football undoubtedly takes the cake. The average injury rate for college football games is around 35.9 injuries for every 1000 people. Next, for the length of each game, a college football game is typically around three and a half hours, according to Surprisingly, this is longer than most NFL games! Furthermore, football is also one of the sports with the most people trying to get onto teams. Examples from include D.J. Jones, Vershad Jackson, and Jamal Carter to name a few, all benching more than 300 pounds!
So, after looking at all of the factors, the hardest college sport is football. Football has the most difficulty in the actual game portion, the highest injury rate, the longest games, and is the most time-consuming.