Viviana Larzo, Contributor
Viviana was born on August 24th, 2010. In the year 2010, Instagram and The first Apple iPad were created. Viviana lives with her Mom, Dad, Sister, and Dog. She plays soccer and dances. In soccer, Viviana plays a Left or Right midfield. Viviana was born in Fullerton, CA. In her free time Viviana likes to bake, be with friends and family, and be with my dog. Viviana is the oldest in her family and will be attending Sunny Hills High School next year. Viviana would like to be a Marine biologist or a veterinarian when she grows up. She likes to travel anywhere with her family or friends. Viviana likes to listen to rap, reggae, and country music. Her favorite season is summer and her least favorite is winter. Her favorite subject is Science. If Viviana could travel anywhere in the world she would love to go to Hawaii. Viviana would love to go to ASU, UCLA, or, CSUF for college. A quote that Viviana goes by is “Always work hard, never give up, and fight until the end because it’s never over until the whistle blows.” -Alex Morgan.