Olive Davis, Contributor
Olive Davis was born on July 5, 2011; she shares a birthday with Dolly the Sheep which was the first sheep ever to be cloned, in history. At her house, she has four other family members: her mom, her dad, her younger brother, and her dog named Bailey. Olive lived in Fullerton since first grade and then she moved to Germany. After three years, she came back to the United States and has lived in Fullerton ever since. One of Olive’s hobbies is drum set and has been taking lessons for about two years now. She also likes to listen to podcasts, bake, watch movies, and play games on her Nintendo Switch. In the future, she wants to end up going to a good college but she is unsure about which one. For her career, she wants to become a project manager because she likes to sort things out and for things to be organized. Her favorite inspirational quote about working hard is, “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” -Colin Powell