Nishtha Patel, Contributor
Nishtha Patel was born on March 15, 2009. Her name is very unique, meaning determination. This defines her very well, as she always tries to reach her goals. She earned the Presidential Award and Congressional App Challenge 3rd Place. She enjoys reading and editing in her free time. Her favorite food is pizza from Pizza Studio.
She is learning how to play the guitar and tennis. She likes to bake and watch movies. She lives with her mom, dad, sister, and grandparents. Plus she lives near a neighborhood stray dog, who tries to bite her constantly. Two years ago, her grandfather had a cardiac arrest, which was a very traumatic event in her life. She remembers waking up to a faint voice down the hall. Panicked, she went to her
grandfather, where she instantly knew something was wrong. She quickly woke up her parents, and they confirmed her doubts. She grabbed the phone and dialed 911 as fast as she could, and grabbed his medical papers. While her parents assisted her grandfather, she told the police the directions and unlocked the door. Luckily after some medical attention, he came back home in a few days. Although it was a terrifying experience, it helped her remember “Sometimes you’ll never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”