Egg Shortage in America
As of May 16, 2023, egg prices have spiked up to 60% in only a year. But what is the cause of this dramatic increase in price? The answer is disease, avian influenza to be exact. Avian influenza is a strain of the common flu virus that mostly infects birds, but can sometimes infect humans and has a high mortality rate of 50-60%. The symptoms are almost identical to the common flu and spread through contact, which is why entire flocks of chickens have been wiped out. Due to a wave of avian influenza last year, the disease has infected nearly 58 million chickens according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The farmers had worked all year to build up their flocks of chicken, yet due to the disease, they were forced to eliminate entire flocks even if one chicken was infected. By establishing quarantines and getting rid of infected groups, the government hopes for a rebound in order to get eggs back on the shelves.
Lucca Kim was born June 26, 2009, the same year Obama announced that the U.S. troops were leaving Iraq. He was born at Hoag Hospital to parents Caroline...