Dinosaur Embryo Found in China


In the year 2000, a dinosaur embryo that was superbly preserved was discovered in Southeastern China, in the city of Ganzhou. In a couple years, this embryo would soon help researchers understand the root of bird behaviors.

The unborn dinosaur found in China was labeled “Baby Yingliang;” it was a theropod dinosaur. Theropod dinosaurs have three-toed limbs and hollow bones. The meaning of theropod is “beast-footed.” They are categorized as saurischian dinosaurs. Theropods are like ostriches, their stance and walk are similar to the ostrich.

After removing the rocks surrounding Baby Yingliang, the skeleton was unveiled. The skeleton of the oviraptor was in a “tucking” position; it was about 70 million years old. Baby Yingliang was 17 days old if he/she was a chicken embryo. The pre-hatching posture of Baby Yingliang helped researchers see how present day birds and chickens are similar to dinosaurs.
In conclusion, Baby Yingliang helped researchers understand the root of modern bird and chicken pre-hatching behaviors. The skeleton of the unborn dinosaur gave researchers a better understanding of the connection between dinosaurs and current birds.

